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Basic Block 

A Basic Block has all the same editing options as a Basic Page. They are commonly used to place blocks of text within a page region of the SOV Web Design System. Basic Blocks can include items like hyperlinks to other areas of a site, like the homepage, and images.

Please Note: You must be logged in to the State of Vermont website that you are editing to follow the instructions below. 

Create and Place a Basic Block 

  1. Content

    Scroll over 'Content' on the top navigation. 

  2. Blocks

    Select 'Blocks'

  3. +Add Content Blocks

    Select '+Add content blocks'.

  4. Basic

    Select the 'Basic' option.

  5. Block Description

    Enter the 'Block description' that will appear at the top of the block and in search results.

  6. Body

    Enter the content of your block in the 'Body' field.

  7. Save

    Select 'Save'.

  8. Structure

    Select 'Structure' on the top navigation. 

  9. Block layout

    Select 'Block layout'.

  10. Region

    Navigate to the template region you want to place the event block in. By example, 'Content Bottom'.

  11. Place block

    Select 'Place block'.

  12. Filter by Block Name

    Enter your Block Description in the 'Filter by block name' field.

  13. Place Block

    Select 'Place Block' to the right of the block name. 

  14. Display title

    In the 'Configure block' window, indicate if you would like to 'Display title' of the block. It is checked to 'Display title' by default.

  15. Pages

    In the 'Configure block' window, enter the 'Pages' the menu should appear on.

  16. Save block

    Select 'Save block'.

  17. Back to site

    Select 'Back to site' on the top navigation.

  18. Locate Page

    Locate the page on which you chose to place the menu.

  19. View

    Confirm that the menu appears in the 'First Sidebar' region.

Example Basic Block 

Below is an example of a Basic Block with text and image content.

Example Basic Block

A Basic Block has all the same editing options as a Basic Page. They are commonly used to place blocks of text within a page region of the SOV Web Design System. Basic Blocks can include items like hyperlinks to other areas of a site, like the homepage, and images.

Image removed.
Aerial view of rural Vermont town.