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Language Assistance and Accommodation Requests (English)

We offer free language assistance services for all Chief Marketing Office materials. If you speak a language other than English or need a reasonable accommodation for effective communication, please contact Elle O’Casey by calling 802-760-9967 or emailing

Website Translation and Privacy Policy Disclaimer 


Contact: Elle O’Casey

Email Adress:

Phone Number: 802-760-9967

This website may be translated for your convenience using Google Translate or another automated translation software. Website translation by Google Translate or alternative translation software may be inaccurate and relying on such a translation is done at one’s own risk. Some files or items cannot be translated, including photographs, graphics, and PDFs. No representation, warranty, or endorsement of any kind is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any information translated by these systems. Any discrepancies or differences created in a computer-based translation of this website from English into any other language are not binding and have no legal effect. 

Specifically, Google requires that the following disclaimer for these translations be provided: 

"This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, expressed or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement."