Article (News Post)
The web template comes with an Article content type, more commonly called News Posts. This content type is used when entities post press releases and other news items. A benefit of using this feature is the ability to create a widget that links to an aggregate list of all posts. Additionally, a complete listing of all posts can be added as a standalone page.
Please Note: You must be logged in to the State of Vermont website that you are editing to follow the instructions below.
- Create a News Post
- Add a New News Post Type
- Add a Widget for News Posts
- Add a News Posts Page
- Manage News Posts
- Example Article (News Post)
- Example News Posts Page
- Example Widget for News Posts
Create a News Post
- Content
Select 'Content' on the top navigation.
- +Add Content
Select '+Add Content' at the top of the screen.
- Article
Select the 'Article' option.
- Title
Enter the 'Title' that will appear at the top of the post and in search results and will used to generate the URL. By example, a title of 'Example Site Page' would have a URL that ends with '/example-site-page'.
- Summary
Enter the 'Summary' details. This appears in News page and search results and should be a brief description of the article’s contents.
- Body
Enter the content of your post in the 'Body' field.
- Optional: Image
You can upload a photo associated with the post. Select 'Choose File' to navigate to and select the 'Image' file. This will appear at the top of the post and as a thumbnail on the aggregate list of all posts.
- Alternative text
If you have uploaded an 'Image', you must enter the 'Alternative text'.
- Optional: Date
Enter the 'Date' for your post. You can set a later date if you want to wait to publish it.
- Optional: Tags
Assign 'Tags' to your document. These help users find related items across the site. Tags are tied to pages, articles, documents, and more.
- Post Type
Select the 'Post Type'. All sites have a News post type and some also have Press Release and Blog. To add more options, follow the Instructions to Add a News Post Type.
- Optional: Menu Link
Check the 'Menu Link' box if you would like to have a link to the post in the navigation menu.
- Optional: Menu Link Title
Once 'Provide menu link' is selected, the 'Menu Link Title' will appear to enter the post name as it will appear in the navigation menu.
- Optional: Description
Use the 'Description' field to supply additional context for the menu link. If you have provided a descriptive menu link title, a description is not required.
- Optional: Parent Link
Use the 'Parent Link' to specify where the link will be located in the menu.
- Optional: Weight
Use the 'Weight' to specify where the link appears amongst the other links in the menu. This can be modified on the menu page. Providing this information here rather than manually adding a link in the menu has the added benefit of generating a layered URL. For example, if you set the page to be under the 'This is a test' page with a url of '/this-is-a-test', and your page name is 'URL example', your page will automatically generate a URL of '/this-is-a-test/url-exmple'.
- Optional: URL Alias
Once 'URL Alias' is deselected the page URL can be entered manually. If you edit a page with a previously generated URL, a redirect will automatically be created from the old URL to the new one, so you don’t need to worry about links in your content, user bookmarks, or external links to the page.
- Save
Select 'Save'. This will bring you back to a window that shows the published post.
Add a New News Post Type
- Structure
Select 'Structure' in the top navigation.
- Taxonomy
Select 'Taxonomy'.
- Post Type
Select 'List terms' to the right of 'Post Type'.
- +Add term
Select '+Add term'.
- Name
Provide a 'Name'.
- Save
Select 'Save'.
Add a Widget for News Posts
- Structure
Select 'Structure' in the top navigation.
- Block layout
Select 'Block layout'.
- Region
Navigate to the template region you want to place the event block in. By example, 'Second Sidebar'.
- Place block
Select 'Place block'.
- News
Locate the 'News' block.
- Place Block
Select 'Place Block' to the right of 'News'.
- Display title
In the 'Configure block' window, indicate if you would like to 'Display title' of the block. It is checked to 'Display title' by default.
- Items per block
In the 'Configure block' window, indicate how many posts you would like to display in the block in the 'Items per block'.
- Post Type
In the 'Configure block' window, indicate the 'Post Type' you would like to display in the block. Do not expose the filter value to the user.
- Pages
In the 'Configure block' window, enter the 'Pages' the 'News' block should appear on. This is commonly located on a website homepage. To add the block to the homepage, winter '<front>'.
- Save block
Select 'Save block'.
- Back to site
Select 'Back to site' on the top navigation.
- View
Confirm that the 'News' appears in the 'Second Sidebar' region of the website homepage.
Add a News Posts Page
- Structure
Select 'Structure' in the top navigation.
- Taxonomy
Select 'Taxonomy'.
- List terms
Select 'List Terms' to the right of 'Post Type'.
- Post Category
For the post category you would like to display on the news page, select 'Edit'.
- URL Alias
Scroll down to 'URL Alias' and make note of the automatically generated URL alias.
- Structure
Select 'Structure' on the top navigation.
- Menus
Select 'Menus'.
- Edit menu
Select 'Edit menu' to the right of the menu where you would like to include the News Post page. By example the 'Main menu'. This will bring you to the editing window where you can add, edit, delete, or rearrange menu items.
- +Add link
Select '+Add link' button.
- Menu link title
Enter the 'Menu link title' that will appear in the list of menu links. By example, 'Press Releases'.
- Link
Enter the 'URL Alias' (automatically generated URL) that you noted above in the 'Link' field.
- Enabled
Be sure that 'Enabled' is checked. If you’d like the item temporarily hidden in the menu but still available in the future, uncheck 'Enabled'.
- Optional: Description
Add a 'Description'. This is the text that will appear when hovering over the link. A proper menu link title is usually sufficient.
- Optional: Parent link
Use the 'Parent Link' to specify where the link will appear in the menu. This can also be done by dragging and dropping menu links in the previous screen that shows the entire menu.
- Optional: Weight
Use the 'weight' to specify where the link appears amongst the other links in the menu. This can be modified on the menu page. Providing this information here rather than manually adding a link in the menu has the added benefit of generating a layered URL. For example, if you set the event to be under the 'This is a test' page with a url of '/this-is-a-test', and your event name is 'example event', your event will automatically generate a URL of '/this-is-a-test/example-event'.
- Save
Select 'Save'. This will bring you back to the editing window where you can add, edit, delete, or rearrange menu items.
- Back to site
Select 'Back to site'.
- View
Confirm that the link you added above for 'Press Releases' appears as intended in your selected menu. Select the link to navigate to the News Posts page for your selected post category.
Manage News Posts
- Content
Select 'Content' on the top navigation.
- Article
In the filter options, choose 'Article' as the 'Content Type'.
- Filter
Select the 'Filter' to show only articles.
Example Article
Click the link below for an example article created using the Article content type.
Example News Posts Page
All SOV websites have a page with an aggregated list of all articles (news posts). Click the link below to view the News Post Page.
Example Widget for News Posts
All SOV websites have a widget that features recently posted articles (news posts). This widget also includes a link to the News Posts Page.