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Making Changes to the Statement of Work

Sometimes, you may need to change the scope after you finalize a Statement of Work Agreement. If you need to adjust key aspects of the scope, such as the budget, deliverables, or timeline, use the Statement of Work Change Order Form

Use the Change Order Form if you need to change:  

  • Project timeline or deadline.
  • Overall project budget.
  • The services provided to deliver the desired outcomes. (Example: the first project scope specified producing a TV ad; a revised project scope specifies producing a TV ad, YouTube videos, and radio ads).

To finalize the Statement of Work Change Order Form:

  • Send the form to the Statewide Marketing Contractor. Have them sign it.

  • Send the form to a person with signing authority on your State team. Have them sign it. 

The project scope helps your business office process payments. The project scope includes the final proposal you received from the contractor and the completed Work Request Form. If you need more flexibility in your project scope, keep the scope broad. This means limiting the details to the overall budget, core deliverables, and timeline. Then, include a marketing plan that outlines more specific details about the work. This is one strategy to help you avoid making multiple changes to the project scope. In other words, a broader project scope may prevent the need to draft multiple Change Orders.  

Revised project scope documents (contractor proposal or completed Work Request/ Project Scope Forms) are negotiated between the marketing firm and the State entity. Our office does not need to approve revised scopes. Legal approval is not required per the terms of the Statewide Marketing Contract. Other specific Department or Agency rules may apply.

For questions about change orders or whether certain details should go in a Work Request, Change Order or an additional marketing plan, please contact the Chief Marketing Office at