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Brand Standards and Guidelines

The purpose of these brand standards is to maintain a uniform visual identity that enables the public to immediately recognize a State of Vermont communication. Presenting our materials in a consistent way reinforces the State of Vermont enterprise brand and establishes trust in the communication.

The Brand Standards and Guidelines are a communications guide. We reach Vermonters in many ways. Following the guide establishes a consistent style and recognition of the Vermont brand. This makes it easier for people to see the State as a trusted source. This guide applies to Executive Branch agencies and departments. They are optional for Elected offices and quasi-state organizations.

Explore the Brand Standards and Guidelines

  • Official Vermont Logos

    Learn more about the two logos designated to officially represent the State of Vermont.

  • Providing the Logo to External Entities

    If you receive a logo request from an external entity, ask for guidance. We will help you determine if the external entity should use the logo.

  • Stationery Standards

    The stationery standards established for the State of Vermont address consistent design and font specifications.

  • Typography Guidelines

    Consistent use of State of Vermont typefaces ensures a uniform look and feel among communications and strengthens the overall visual identity of the brand.

  • Color Palette

    Branding and color are directly linked because color should be used to establish an immediate message and cue specific responses. Well-chosen colors and combinations can act as visual triggers to help express the intention and purpose of a communication.

  • Email Signature

    As email is a central method of communication, we encourage all state entities to become familiar with and follow the State of Vermont Email Signature Guidance. The guidelines are in accordance with the Brand Standards and ensure that digital correspondence is uniform and recognized as official State of Vermont communications.

  • Press Releases

    Helpful considerations, best practices, and a sample format for State of Vermont Press Releases to establish a consistent and uniform look across the enterprise.

  • Social Media

    Guidelines, recommendations, and resources for State of Vermont social media managers.